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Olivia Bianco

"Only One": A Letter to My Big

One of the most special parts of being of Chi Omega is the true bond of sisterhood. A way our chapter grows those relationships is through Big and Little sisters. Read about the special bond Paige Magera (MC'23) shares with her big, Abby Dodson (MC'22), in Paige's own words:

“The summer going into my freshman year I was constantly told that in college I would make friends that would last a lifetime. The kind of friends that would be in my wedding and one day meet my kids. I thought this was just a white lie to make you less scared to leave home, and honestly, I didn’t believe them. How could girls who I recently know me better than the friends I have had since I was in pull-ups? When I met my big, Abby Dodson, my perspective on this changed completely. I haven’t known Abby for long, but I genuinely couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

Freshman year is a year of constant change. I came to Baylor from Missouri, only knowing one person when I showed up on move-in day. At that time nothing in my life was constant or reliable until I met Abby Dodson. I will always remember the day I met Abby. I was overwhelmed and drafted the text to cancel hanging out with her, but for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to send it. I walked out of Penland Hall to her car on the verge of tears and within 10 minutes I was almost crying again, but this time because we were laughing so hard. We sat in Tropical Smoothie Cafe for almost three hours, but it felt like we were only there for five minutes. When I got back to my dorm room, I immediately called my mom and told her I just met a girl named Abby, and that I really hope she likes me because I want to be her friend. Little did I know that this girl I hoped would want to be my friend would become the person I do everything with.

The next day, I got so sick I couldn’t leave my bed. Thinking nothing of it, I made an offhand comment about it on my BeReal. Abby was the first person to text and ask if I was ok and if she could do anything to help. A day after meeting me, Abby was willing to change her entire plans for the day with 5 minutes notice to help me feel better. That's just the kind of person Abby is.

The Chi Omega symphony says that a woman of Chi Omega should strive “to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely,” and “to choose thoughtfully”. Abby does these things naturally. Whether she is convincing me to study for a test, giving me advice when I don’t know what to do, or letting me basically live at her house, Abby is always kind, thoughtful and sincere. Abby is always the first person to text me good luck when I have a test or ask me if I got home safe when I'm traveling. Abby has taught me how to do the worm and about the nature of God. She always has an ear to listen or time to sit in silence with her friends so they don’t have to be alone.

Abby has been there for my best and worst moments of freshman year and has been equally happy to be there for me in both situations. Over time and because of Chi O, what started as a bond over drinking too much caffeine and both loving Panera Sip Club, turned into a friendship that I will cherish for the rest of my life. During recruitment week, I was stressed and conflicted. I didn’t know what to do and I was worried I would make the wrong decision and let my friends down. As a joke one of my friends said, “Well Paige, there's only one Abby Dodson”, making fun of how much time Abby and I spend together. That comment stuck with me, there is truly only one Abby Dodson, and I am so lucky that I get to call her my big and best friend. “

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